Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Question: Has George Bush and the Republicans one again scaming and buying off the election coming this November?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The United States government in my opinion has been seized by Republican Party and an illegitimate President George Bush by using the doctrines and methods of fascism have set in place a system of government in which a dictator and a single party have absolute power over the politics, industry, etc. of this country, and seek to stay in power by promoting nationalism, racism, and militarism, as in Italy under Mussolini and in Nazi Germany. This is a shame which in part the American people are to blame for becoming so complacent about their government. I pray that come this November all this will change for the government for the people and by the people.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The United States government in my opinion has been seized by Republican Party and an illegitimate President George Bush by using the doctrines and methods of fascism have set in place a system of government in which a dictator and a single party have absolute power over the politics, industry, etc. of this country, and seek to stay in power by promoting nationalism, racism, and militarism, as in Italy under Mussolini and in Nazi Germany. This is a shame which in part the American people are to blame for becoming so complacent about their government. I pray that come this November all this will change for the government for the people and by the people.

Thursday, September 07, 2006