Thursday, September 07, 2006


Blogger perry6911 said...

In God We Trust

Let us all examine life’s internet and change humanity attitudes and ask why the forest is fading away trurning into barren fields of
rocks and clay. Why, is earth’s ice cap slowly melting away, as man’s made pollutants rise creating acid rains that pour down upon
all below. Lets let this government start out in the dreams and works of thoughtful ones past and present, looking toward future
destinty. So that humanity want be tied down to evil-minded things,
for one’s exploits and evil’s gain. Give to all life liberty and justice through out the lands, where the hypocrites, liers, and cheaters are
taken down. Where freedom vocices rise and sing with equality for all so people can live their lives with dignity and hope in all of God’s
lands. Where the poor and trodden down want be tied to the yolks of
evil-minded ones, and that everyone be equal in the halls of justice and where the rich and powerful can’t exploit the weaker sides of man just because they can. Let the workers work a honest days work for a reasonable days pay as the fruits of his labors. Where all
can keep open their doors at home without fear of evil-doers coming in, and with just laws and order on all of God’s lands. Lets not erode away the dream of thoughtful men, replacing it with a philosophy of
get rich ploys and schemes which only benefits a few as the life and dreams of many melts away. So let us once more go forth under God’s grace and ring freedoms bells and obtain the dream of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people which shall not perish from this earth.

A generation of man is like a generation of leaves upon the ground,
while others the burgeoning wood brings forth and the season of spring comes on. So of man one generation springs forth and another ceases. Vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excess and our pleasures in this world are always to be paid for. So too our deeds done do carry consequences and for this reason do not do an immoral thing for moral reasons. That evil is not and absolute, and good is often an occasion more than a condition. It then, let us all embrace the idea as time has told good always ends in happenest
and evil is always fatal and unhappy. Wherefore, virture is its own reward and to make a virture of neccessity is to do what has to be done as if one really wanted to do it. Vices is an evil or wicked action, habit, or characteristic carried out to decry good. Hateful
is as the gates of hell, for a man who hides one thing in his heart, and speaks another. For God knows the things that were and the things that will be and the things that has been before.

It has been spoken before once harm has been done even fools understand it. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy. Do
you love life? Then do not squander time, for thats the stuff life is made of and always remember time is money. We should use our
energies and persistence to conquer those things worth conquering.
We all should know that God helps those who help themselves, so lets not put off to tomorrow what we can do today. Think of these things, where you came from, where you are going, and to whom you must answer. The guarantees put forth by governments to one’s right to pursue happiness, only applies if one catches it themselves.
Always remember, stoop as you go through life and you’ll miss many hard thumps, and whatever is begun in anger ends most asurely in
shame and well done is better than well said.

Common sense is a common natural understanding. Beliefs or propositions that in ones opinion be considered would in most people experience be prudent and of sound judgment without dependence upon esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what is believed to be knowledge held by people in common. The knowledge and experience most people have, or are believed to have by the person using the term. Principles of common sense are universal, and is the collections of prejudices acquired and is so called because why if it is called common sense why do so few people have it. Nothing surprises one so much as common sense and plain dealing and the axiom that common sense is not so common.

Comes now the place of religion in the greater scheme of a Government of Humanity whereas the church which consist of all those from every time and place that will be united to our creator
in eternal life. The church is the family of God who is and always will be. It is the brothers and sisters in God’s family, and man and woman are of one fleash. The church is like branches on a vine and
olive tree, the fields of crops we are all labourers togather with God.
God is the vine, and we are the branches, God is like an olive tree,
when the branches break he graffs them back again. We are God’s
building, the crop in the field to be harvested by him. God’s house is
the piller and foundation of truth. And as such the laws of God must be incorporated in the Government of Humanity where love and goodnest must reside.

The Government of Humanity should be the living book of democracy
and the victorious emblem around which may rally the multitudes thristing for social justice and human fraternity. There should be three branches of government, the Executive, Legislative, and the

The Executive branch should be headed by the President elected
by the people. He should become the focus of government, the fountainhead of ideas, the initiator of action, the representative of the national interest. The President should be a one-man branch of
a three-part government. The door of the President should always be open and always have a dialoque with the people. The government should provide a program for guauanteeing every citizen
a minimum standard of subsistence, not as charity but of right. And
should consciously seek to make the industrial system more humane, and protect workers and their families from exploitation.
“Divine justice weights the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted in different scales”. “Better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than the constant omission of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.
The government should use coercive measures to achieve goals of programs to give a revolutionary response to a revolutionary situation.

When a long train of abuses and usurpations begun at a distinguished period and pursing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Every one should be protected in his or her lawful acts. The powers that be in government their duties are to act upon things as they are, and to make a reasonable provision for whatever they may be. If one holds a seat in government ask ones self whenever you are to do a thing, though it never be known but to your self, ask yourself how you would act were all the world looking at you, and act accordingly. Futher, when tempted to do anything in secret, ask yourself if you would do it in public, if you would not be sure it is wrong. So, let it not be forgotten that the current Republican Party fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of sociaty. Have confidence in the fact there will be for a long time be virtue and good sense enough in our brothers to correct the injustices and abuses. In questions of power let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution. Let there be rendered the government executive a more desireable post to one of abilities by making it more independant of the Legislature. We are to guard against ourselves,
not against ourselves as we are, but as we may be, for who can now imagine what we may become under circumstances not now known.
Governments are formed from human natures. It is in my opinion that the Republican Party of today has a philosophy based upon a
oligarchy type government in which a few persons hold the ruling
power, and in recent years have put this type government into practice. It seems that their beliefs are such, that if a lie is told often enough it becomes the truth. They do not believe that honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress. I am very aware of
the tendency of their power while in the majority to allow the government to degenerate into abuse. The worthies of our country
have secured its independence by the establishment of a constitution and a form of government for our nation, calculated to prevent as well as to correct abuses. I’m confidence that there will be for a long time be virtue and good sense enough in our countrymen to correct these abuses. Further, in questions of power let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind them down from
wrong-doing and mischief by the chains of the constitation.

The true and proper basis of a democratic government is liberty.
Whereas liberty being a concept of political philosophy where one has the abilities to act according to his/her own will. Liberty is the basic rights to free will. A government that allows freedom of thought without freedom of property is not expressing the right of liberty. This government which is always defending democracy is a
governmnt in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representation. Within this government majority rules and the principle of equality of rights, and the practice of this principle. A democratic government being run by democrats, treating people of all classes in the same way. Through the annals of history and reasoning that a democracy government is of, by, and for the people. The citizens should be free to make political decisions by majority rule that protect the rights of minorities. The government must see it so to the air, water, and land the majority must protect, perserve, and maintain. It can be further said the rights of the minorities do not depend upon the goodwill of the majority and cannot be eliminated by majority vote.

The love of money is the root of all evil so I am told, so goes the politicians bless their wretched souls. Power, fame, and fortune they seek till they’re old, but never do quite reach their lofty pledged goals. The voters who vote for them never do question or scold. They all use excuses, leaving the voters out in the cold. Many seem to be inclined to play a robber baron role. They think by being this way is their better kind of role. I would think by being this way they
must pay a toll, for politicial things can be unjust when they are exposed. The voters, the good citizens must get to know them before going to the polls.

A general Robert E. Lee once said: “It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it”. This brings me to the state
of wonder of where are all the thoughtful ones, and the checks and balances of our government put in place by the thoughtful ones. When our government let the “decider” take us to war in Iraq cause he claimed there were weapons of mass destruction. His leadership
was lacking and planning was none. He so demeaned and dishonored our nation’s laws while congress rubber stamped every
thing he said afraid of the political price they would pay to rebute him in any way. The “decision maker” said how we would shock and awe. Watching on the TV I watched as the bombs and rockets began to fall. I clearly seen the effects of our mighty decider’s shock and awe. I saw innocent men, women, and children dead is what I saw. This was truly sad for the innocent mothers and dads, grandmas and grandpas. Our great heroic soldiers did as ordered god bless their souls, but at what cost they paid as loved ones prayed and squawed. Our mighty decider did a mighty wrong getting us into a war without just cause. Our government fail the high ideas
of those great and thoughtful men, and still today sat on their hinds
while our brave sons and daughters die in vain. The people spoke in
the past election for this wrong be righted and time and lives to be saved. So far, the dead are mounting as the congress talk and shout, but nothing seems to get done except more wrongs and deaths and you know Jesus don’t like killing no matter what the reason are for.

Is the great decider a moral and just one? When a city such as New Orleans get blown and wash away, when the savings of many citizens are wiped away, and the Robber Barons seem to have their way. When 45 million people can’t get proper medical care. When
illegal immigrates are allowed by our government to take the jobs of
our citizens and rape, kill, and plunder the people who build up this land. When the poor and hungry have no home to go, and the weakest of us are slowly grind down. With all this death and angerish the government seems not to heed the words of thoughtful
men nor the God above who looking down from above. They say vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excess as an evil or wicked action, habit, or characteristic carried out to decry good. I
would say virtues is its own reward and to make a virtue of necessity to do what has to be done as if one really wanted to do it.
Our pleasures in this world are always to be paid for and all of one’s deeds always carry some consequences. I would ask anyone why do an immoral thing for a moral reason? In this world evil is not and absolute, good is often an occasion more than a condition. I believe
that good always ends in happiest and evil in sadnest, that good always wins in the eternal world of space and time as God so decrees.

So let the great people of this land rise up for liberty and justice and shed the binds that bind us where we can be free from control of others with all rights possessed in common with all. Let us all be righteous, fair, and impartial and uphold whats is right and just. Let us rid ourselves of the economical controls by others used to distort truth for their own financial gains. Let us show an adequate reason for something done, and treated fairly. For the gracous fruits of liberty and justice shines so brightly as where God’s grace and power surely reigns. For the creator is an entity of eternal and infinite reaching from eternity to eternity, and his presence from infinity to infinity and endures in the present forever and is everywhere present. He constitutes duration and space, he cannot be never and no where because there is no beginning are and end.

Author: William Alford Perry

12:27 PM  
Blogger perry6911 said...

In my opinion President Bush has again made a luncy proposal to Congress for a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing U.S. employers when no American worker can be found to fill the job. This is luncy, and if the Democratic controlled Congress goes along with this luncy then watch out America, your already declining standard of living is going down ( if it hasn’t already) taking a nose dive to the bottom.

This new proposal by Bush would be open to new foreign workers on top of the 20 million illegal immigrant undocumented men and women currently employed in the U.S. illegally by the elite rich and greedy employers to the detriment of the taxpayers and American citizen. There are already upward of 20 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and if this proposal of Bush’s becomes law it would explode the foreign workers who are illegally in the U.S. to who knows how many? This country can not afford, and the nation’s security will be further at risk and overburdened as it is by these unknown illegal persons entering the U.S., and will just embolden the rich elites and the greedy corporations hiring and supporting this illegal activity which is disgusting and unAmerican. By letting these illegal immigrants come out of hiding and participate legally in America’s economy as Bush proposal states would be devastating to the American people who are already at their ropes end financially and would further erode the standard of living of the American people.

President Bush also asked Congress to work with him to achieve significant immigration reform that protects the homeland by controlling the borders. This would just let the elite and rich elite and greedy corporations have access and exploit foreign workers for cheap labor cost, and drive the American workers wages even further down than they are today. This of course would not serve the American economy as Bush proposal states. The very idea that matching a willing foreign worker with a willing employer is obscurantism pure and simple. All this matching is just a scam by Bush and his cronies get access to cheap foreign labor at the expense of the American workers, taxpayers, and American Citizens as well as to the detriment of the United States of America.

If this proposal were to become law it would not promote compassion for the so called unprotected worker to return to their countries and families, but would encourge even more foreign workers to enter the U.S. and further erode the work force of the American people. Further, no one in my opinion can justify the protection of foreigners who are in this country illegally and unlawfully. These persons who are in this country illegally should be arrested, fined, and deported, and the persons, companies, and corporations who aid, abet, or assist the illegal immigrants in any way should be arrested, fined, and incarcerated at hard labor for a very long time. Illegal and unlawful is prosecutable under the United States Constitution and laws therein if found true, and is in it self an impeachable offense. This proposal by Bush if it becomes law will not meet the Nation’s economic needs or live up to the promise and valves of America. This proposal is luncy at it’s best and evidence that shows Bush has knowledge of illegal activity and is not enforcing the laws and Constitution of the United States of America, and should be impeached according to the laws and Constitution of the United States. William in Alabama.

1:37 PM  
Blogger perry6911 said...

It is my opinion, medical malpractice is bigger problem than most folks wants to admit. There is approximatly a little over 75,000 deaths in the United States each year due partly to medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is an act or the ommission by a health care provider which deviates from accepted standards and practices in the medical community and which causes injury or death to a patient. A person living in the United States can be held liable unless that person can show he or she acted in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion.

Hospital administrators and doctors across the nation are furious over what they see as waves of frivolous lawsuits that they claim have driven up malpractice insurance. Doctors and lawyers have been at odds over malpractice litigation for quite sometime. This bitter divide between doctors and lawyers with plaintiffs in law suits being “black listed” and in some cases denied their rights as patients to be judicated. Some doctors are refusing medical treatment to lawyers and their families and employees except in emergencies. Many doctors are attemping to silence their peers by discourging doctors from testifying as expert witnesses on behalf of plaintiffs, by urging the Medical Associations to endorse their view. But some doctors see the tactics of refusing to treat all people is contrary to the hipprocratic oath and unethical.

The most common types of personal injury cases arises from motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall incidents, dogbites, defective products, etc. Workers compensation claims often arise from personal injury and are dealth with in a separate area of law. Person injury law applies to cases in which a person or person are injured through negligence, intention of fault of someone else. There are three elements to proving a personal injury case, fault, causation, and damages. Sustaining an injury can be very stressful and traumatic. Medical Liability Reform may if not implemented properly may prevent just, effective, patient- centered reform. The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has recently expressed concerns of physicians lobbying for a federal cap on non-economic damages. The AMSA opposes any proposal to U.S. Congress that involves cap, alone, but instead that reforms should focus on a more comprehensive approach that includes reducing medical errors and increasing oversight of the insurance industry. There is no doubt that the rising costs of medical liability insurance effects the decisions of health care providers. Priorities for reform should be a system based upon life saving information learned through medical error, reporting, and having better communications between physicians and patients. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has reported that the majority of malpractice claims in a study of seven states were closed without any compensation paid to those claiming a medical injury. This study found the majority of medical malpractice claims closed without payment.

There is a strong belief in the American society that patients’ rights to hold the health care industry accountable when patients are recklessly injured or killed by unsafe drugs, medical devices,or inapporiate or inadequte care. Law suits lead to safe drug and health care system, thats accountable to the people. There are appoxiamately 98,000 people killed every year by medical mistakes, yet most times the circumstances of the deaths are closely guarded secrets by the medical professionals. There is a need for open reporting of medical errors to improve care and insurance reforms to prevent the insurance industry from price-gouging doctors. Most medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience handling complex medical malpractice lawsuits. A common medical mistake made during treatment is the misdiagnosis of symptoms or the failure to diagnose a condition. Medical mistakes occur resulting in a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose when the doctor fails to give their full time and attention to the patient.

In his state of the Union address to the nation 2006, President Bush called on Congress to restrict patients access to the Courts, claiming that access to health care is threatened because “lawsuits are driving many good doctors out of practice”. But, in contrast to this according to statistics published by the American Medical Association (AMA) the number of practicing physicians is growing faster than the population. It is very clear that the call for limits on the ability of injured patients to seek redress in the Courts is just one little piece of a larger effort by the business and industries lobbyist who are in bed with Bush and his Republicans coharts to protect businesses from being held accountable when they recklessly or negligently hurt people. Basically, the Republican agenda blames injured patients and seeks to close access to the Courts of this nation, contravening a constitution right that all American citizens have. To Bush and his Republican coharts its all about protecting business profits over patients health and welfare. It is far past time for real reliable health care reform, and a health care system that puts patients first. Malpractice medical reform is just another stepping stone for Bush and the Republican Party with the help of the elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals, corporations, institutions, organizations, and others to eliminate the rights of American citizens and to set up their own oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power plunging this country into despotism. William in Alabama.

9:14 PM  

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