Friday, May 23, 2008

While it is true that the Democrat Candidate for President Barak Hussein Muhammad Oboma has a Muslim father who is from the country of Kenya within the continent of Africa and other relatives there does not necessarily make him a Muslim or a racist. Obama attended a school in Southeast Asia and a public school living with his mother and grandmother. He claims to be a Christian of faith and attends a Christian church in Chicago, Illinois. It seems to be true that he is proud of his father and other relatives in Kenya but it would be a far stretch to suggest that he is some how connected to the politics in Kenya. The true facts just do not bear this out. While his connections to Kenya’s politics maybe questionable and may need further investigation at this time I see know no sign of evidence or indications that bears out these facts. Although it is my opinion that Obama has a gift of gab and can perform and entertain many in the Democratic Party this does not in my opinion quality him to be the Democrat nominee for President much less President of the United States. My stance on this is based on the reports and news coverage of Obama’s affiliations with the city of Chicago’s underground mobsters, the militaristic Weathermen group of thugs in and around Chicago, his Pastor for many years Jeremiah Wright who in my opinion is a propagandist of hate and bigotry against the United States of American as well as other groups of people here in America as well as else where around the world. Obama’s and wife’s attitude and statements concerning their patriotism to America and their commitment to the values and the American way of life is not the norm or of the character most Americans want in the First Lady much less the President of the United States. To tie Obama to the politics and subversive tactics in Kenya sounds much like the Republican misinformation and nonsense at its best. It is one thing to accuse one of wrong doing with out any factual evidence and not telling the rest of the story. Just because Obama’s father is a Muslim and lives in the country of Kenya who long ago abandoned Obama and his mother and returned to Kenya does not on its face lead one to believe that Obama is a Muslim or that he has political ties to Kenya other than he has a father and relatives living there. Obama has for the last 20 years or so attended a so-called Christian church in Chicago where his pastor in this church seems to spit out a lot of venom from the pulpit and over various media, which in my opinion is un-American and racial extreme radicalism among other such lunacies. However, while I would not vote or support Obama’s bid for the Presidency I will not accuse him of unsubstantiated charges that are put out by people of questionable Republicanism misinformation and invalid propaganda which does not seem creditable or trustworthy. To put it very simply Obama cannot beat McCain in the November general election.